I feel compelled to share this with you because GOD has blessed me in so many ways this year and I want people to know what God can do. He never ceases to amaze me. He has been actively speaking to me and guiding me. If you have testimonies and miracles that you also want to share and would be willing for me to publish it here on this website, please contact me.
Nov.19th, Sunday evening, 2006,
God has within the last year told two different people to give me Luke 10:19 "Behold, I give unto you power to trend on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
Then tonight, He told me that Matthew 16:18 "...I will build my church (ecclesia,called out ones)and the gates of hell (hades, grave) shall not prevail against it." goes with the Luke 10:19. He says that even though the powers of hell are coming against the church, the called out ones, my family, my friends, the local congregation and congregations in other areas, that hell shall NOT prevail against us! That we have power over all the power of the enemy. That we are going to be ok. HE will be with us. Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we shall fear no evil for HE is with us and his rod and his staff shall comfort us. This ministry has had battles but HE has told me NOT to give up. We shall prevail.
-the time in 2004 or 2005, a woman who did not know me and did not know that I felt called to the ministry was praying for me in a parking lot. After the prayer, she said God told her to tell me that I left him but He's coming back for me and that He wants me to start my ministry. This was a big confirmation from God to do this ministry.
-After hearing at a sermon that we should tell the devil to take his hands off our finances, I did so and told the devil to take his hands off my car and he did so. This sermon also talked about Fasting and Prayer which the last sermon I heard at a different location by a different minister also talked about. Confirmed.
-the second time my old Volkswagen car broke down at about the very same spot, I borrowed mom's car to go back to get my house keys and the radio was on a certain station on which the preacher was saying "when God opens a door of a ministry for you - walk through it. Don't be afraid of starting the ministry that God has given you"
-my attention was drawn to the back of a quarter with a light house on the back of it. I asked God if it meant anything that my attention was drawn to it. Went to services and a woman sung for the very first time that she had sang it and very first time I heard it, "the Lighthouse".
-Jan. 05, 2006- Thursday Evening- At services, we had just finished prayer and everyone including myself was still at the front of the room, my pastor (at the time)then gave a testimony that many years ago at a different location she had her eyes closed when something fell into her lap. She looked and a small child had taken the prayer box from the front of their congregation and dropped it into her lap. She asked God what it meant and He told her that these are mine and now they are thine. Now, everyone whose names were written in that prayer box are now christians. So, she finished this testimony and we all returned to our seats. When I got to my seat, there was a bolt laying in my seat. It was NOT there before. No one else was around (we had all been up front) except for a small child who was laying down across the way. I asked God what this meant and he said that he was fastening me that I move not away from him ever again AND that he would bring together the pieces of the puzzle.
-Feb. 10, 2006 Friday - For a few days some words kept coming into my mind. These words were "satanic clock off Panther Creek Rd". I couldn't hardly get this out of my mind. I kept wondering if it was just my imagination or what. So, then one day I was near this road and told God that I was going to see if he was telling me something. I went down that road praying and watching. Then there was the sign that said "Clock Repair". I turned there and went for a while praying. Then there was the house. There was a pagan symbol on the front porch. I wasn't for sure this was the house at first. I circled around and there I could see the wind strongly but yet slowly blowing, and then, There was the very very very large bird of prey up on top of a shed. Immediately I knew then that this in deed was the house. I did not know what to do next. I continued in prayer for a few hours and asked 2-3 other people to be praying about this matter. Then I got into my car at about around 8pm. Immediately as soon as I turned on the car, the minister on the radio said "Why has God led you to this house?, Why else would He lead you to this house except that you are going to lead this person to Christ. And this will be your first person you have ever led to Christ. How glorious! Why else would he lead you to this house. Why else would be put a piece of the puzzle in their back yard!"- WOW! SO, I asked God what I should do, and he said "what ministry have I given you that you are already doing?" and I said, "giving bibles to people and sending the bibles to them in the mail as you have directed me to the houses" and he said "Do it". So I did it.
-Feb. 23, 2006- Thursday- I asked God to let me know whether or not to do something and say something at church services. And God responded a very big "No" during the sermon. He answered my question.
-Jan through Feb 9, 2006- the word "Ship" kept coming up over over and over. Then the large cruise ship sunk in the Red Sea showing me to watch the middle east and the development of the King of the South which I had been watching and that God was directing me in other ways as well.
-January 2006- the word "volcano" kept coming to me over over over and over until I told people that God was showing me that volcano's were going to be very much active this year in stead of hurricanes.
-June 10, 2006 Saturday night, read Matthew 1-7. Then woke up in the morning to a minister on the radio preaching Matthew 5-6.
-June 15, 2006- Thursday - while my grandmother (age 92) was in the hospital, I was outside when this unknown woman sit down beside me. Her mother (age 93)was in the ER waiting for a room upstairs. She didn't feel like talking. So, I went to my car and prayed. God told me to give her a card that I had in the car that said "With God, all things are possible. Matt. 19:26" I had several several cards in the car but this was the one that God showed me to give her. I was excited and ran to her with the card and told her that God told me to give it to her. She looked at it, smiled and said "How wonderful, Praise God! I was just here thinking "With God, all things are possible"!
Sept. and Oct. 2007: After someone betrayed me and my ministry and many people associated with my ministry, I was very heart broken. But in every sermon from every minister for several weeks, God continued to confirm that God loves me and that He's in control and that I am in the right and that He's on my side. I'm not perfect but this person had no right to betray God and this ministry and our friendship. God comforted me through this in POWERFUL ways!
Oct. 26, 2007 Early this morning a thought entered my mind from God. "Get a round wall clock and don't put any batteries in it and set the hands at nearing midnight and put this on the wall to show people that it is near midnight, the end of this age". Then later today, I received the phone call from Dr. Alfred Adams requesting that we do an interview on my internet radio show concerning the end times. He is the author of the book "Nearing Midnight"! And his website is www.nearingmidnight.com This is a major confirmation. The Lord speaks to me and shows me many things. I'm NOT special more than anyone else. But we're serving a GREAT God! I'm so glad He loves me, chose me, called me and still speaks to me via his grace and mercy and love. Praise God! Now that ministry is not correct on everything, for example they still believe the rapture lie, BUT God wanted me to get to know them and them me for some future purpose by Gods Great Design.
These are really just a very FEW things that God has done in front of me recently. There for many more and some very powerful ones too! But I want to hear what God has done in front of you! Email me!
Update: Jan.25,2008
Wow, I could write all day long about the MANY miracles that God continues to work in front of me, there are so many! But then my hands would hurt from so much typing. I will just share the following confirmation with you. God Bless. Also please check out the "my story/testomony" section and my blog and over 130 articles we have available on this website.
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